Power line encroachment can be a costly issue for homeowners. It can cause safety issues and property damage. To avoid this, homeowners should make sure that they don’t trim trees near power lines and make sure to contact their utility company before cutting any tree. Check out more here about honest reviews.
The following are some tips for safely trimming trees near power lines:
– Don’t cut down any tree without first contacting your utility company to determine if there is a safe distance from the power lines.
– Make sure you have the proper equipment to safely cut down trees with power lines nearby.
– Trim around the base of the tree and not just at the trunk so that it can survive.
– Wear gloves when handling branches or saws so you don’t come in contact with electricity from touching them
– Trim only
The problem with pruning trees near power lines is that the trees can get caught in the power lines and electrocuted.
This issue is particularly prevalent in urban areas where there are a lot of power lines, and people are trimming trees to make room for new developments.
The solution to this problem is to create a system that will prevent tree cutting near power lines.
This article will discuss the solutions for safely trimming trees near power lines.
The first solution is to use a tree trimmer with a ground-mounted ladder that can be used to access the power lines from the ground. This allows for safe and accurate removal of trees from power lines without touching them.
The second solution is to use a tree trimmer with an elevated extension arm that can reach power lines without touching them. This is safer than using a ground-mounted ladder because it allows for more precise and accurate removal of trees from power lines.
The third solution is to use a tree trimmer with an elevated extension arm that has been attached to an aerial truck or crane, which can reach power lines without touching them.